Les Synonymes de Policemen

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Toutes les alternatives de "Policemen"

Synonymes les plus proches du mot policemen

Autres synonymes de policemen

  • police officers
  • law enforcement officers
  • cops
  • officers of the law
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Policemen are individuals who are members of a police force, responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing regulations and laws.


  • The policemen patrolled the streets to ensure public safety.
  • The two policemen responded quickly to the emergency call.
  • The policemen arrested the suspect and brought him to the police station.

Expressions courantes

  • beat policemen
  • traffic policemen
  • plainclothes policemen
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The word 'policeman' is derived from the combination of 'police' and 'man', indicating that historically, the role of a policeman was primarily filled by male individuals.


The word 'policemen' is commonly used in various contexts to refer to male police officers and is considered a regular part of the English language.

Usages courants

The term 'policemen' is commonly used to refer to male police officers.


Espagnol : Policías

Italian : Poliziotti

Allemand : Polizisten

Francais : Policiers

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Forme grammaticale




Questions - Réponses :

En savoir plus sur Policemen

  • Question : What is the role of policemen?
  • Réponse : Policemen are responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing regulations and laws.
  • Question : Are policemen only male?
  • Réponse : No, the term 'policemen' is used to refer to both male and female police officers. However, the term is historically associated with male officers.
  • Question : What is the origin of the term 'policemen'?
  • Réponse : The word 'policeman' is derived from the combination of 'police' and 'man', indicating that historically, the role of a policeman was primarily filled by male individuals.
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