Les Synonymes de élever

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  • The parents are raising their children with love and care.
  • We need to raise awareness about this issue.
  • He was raised in a small town.

Expressions courantes

  • élever des animaux
  • élever des enfants
  • élever des plantes
vague inférieure séparation
vague supérieure séparation


The word 'élever' comes from the Old French word 'elever', which is derived from the Latin word 'elevare'. It is formed by combining the prefix 'e-' (meaning 'out') and the verb 'levare' (meaning 'to lift').


The word 'élever' is commonly used in both spoken and written French. It is not restricted to any specific domain and can be used in everyday conversations as well as formal writings.

Usages courants

The verb 'élever' is commonly used in French to indicate the action of raising, nurturing, or promoting something or someone. It can also refer to the act of growing or developing, as well as elevating or lifting something physically. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.


Anglais : To raise

Espagnol : Criar

Allemand : Erziehen

Italien : Allevare

vague inférieure séparation
vague supérieure séparation

Forme grammaticale




Questions - Réponses :

En savoir plus sur élever

  • Question : What is the difference between 'élever' and 'nourrir'?
  • Réponse : While both words can be translated as 'to raise' in English, 'élever' has a broader meaning and implies not only feeding or providing care but also promoting growth and development. 'Nourrir', on the other hand, mainly focuses on the act of feeding or nourishing.
  • Question : Can 'élever' be used to refer to raising plants or crops?
  • Réponse : Yes, 'élever' can be used in the context of raising plants or crops. It implies cultivating and nurturing them until they reach maturity.
  • Question : Is 'élever' used in formal or informal contexts?
  • Réponse : 'Élever' can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is a versatile verb that can be adapted to different registers.
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